A familiar is a small magical creature bound to a keeper. Depending on the setting a
familiar can look like a normal animal, or might be a different kind. In some settings
familiars are actually spirits. Whatever shape familiars take, these rules remain the same.
Doom world is a cyber-diesel-punk setting where the world was cracked into asteroids
floating in air. It happened so long ago that no-one anymore knows of the time before
that. Since then humanity has learned to cope. People live on these asteroids floating in
air, yet somehow the planet remains separate. Think treasure planet meets drifting dragons
meets cyberpunk.
Fudge core rules introduce 3 ways to do combat: Story Elements, Simultaneous Combat and
Alternating Combat. All these are quite generic and lack a bit of crunch and tactical
elements that many other RPG systems provide. These rules resemble Alternating combat the
most, and aim to provide the option for GMs who prefer a bit more detail in combat, with
special moves and potentially multiple actions etc.
Often Characters find themselves having down time, either being between sessions or else
are waiting on their journey to come to an end, etc. When there is nothing else to do
characters can spend this time in training. Characters might also want to learn new skills
and will go out of their way to seek out masters of certain rare skills and petition the
masters to teach them.
These shape-shifting rules apply to both voluntary and involuntary shape-shifting. The only
difference is the trigger. In case of involuntary (like that of a Werewolf at full moon)
the Character can try to resist the shape-shift but if they fail then these shape-changing
rules apply.
Sisu is a Finnish concept described as stoic determination, tenacity of purpose, grit,
bravery, resilience,[1][2] and hardiness[3][4] and is held by Finns themselves to express
their national character. It is generally considered not to have a literal equivalent in
Sisu is a bit different from the other regular attributes. It measures how well the
character can overcome obstacles and persevere in the face of hardship. It also measures
how well the character can handle mental strain and recovery of said strain. The less Sisu
he has the more meek he becomes and will be more likely to crumble beneath the strain that
is life.
Yet another Magic system for Fudge? Yes, indeed. This is an open system like the Example
Magic system of the Fudge SRD however it is a bit more formalized and predictable, and
allows the players to also design spells and not rely only on the GM. This system also
introduces 3 sources of magic, to give a bit of flavor.
Magic in Spell Crafting falls into 3 realms: Divine Magic, Spiritual Magic and
Sorcery. Divine Magic is practiced by Priests, Spiritual Magic is practiced by Animists,
and Sorcery is practiced by Wizards. Unlike many other systems, Spell Crafting does not use
any kind of spell lists nor even ready-made spells, instead it is up to the player (and the
GM) to invent the spells. It is intended that the player will only need to know what they
wish the spell to do. It is the GM who provides the mechanics of the spell i.e. how many
points it will cost, etc. The player is free to provide flavor i.e. what it looks like when
the spell is cast.
A task is a skill resolution that takes more than one turn. Some examples are creating
artwork, casting a spell, research, picking locks and more. The GM assigns a Task Value
and a Task Turn along with a Task Difficulty to the task, and the character will try to
gain enough Task Points to complete the task. Every Task Turn the character can gain more
Task Points.
I have decided to revive this blog and start sharing with the community some of the Fudge stuff I have written, and builds I have made. I'll probably also share some adventures I have written.
The first posts will be the 4 articles I had prepared for the Fudge Compendium that never happened. At least this way I get to share my articles. If you wrote an article to the compendium and want it published here, I'm more than happy to publish it under your name. It would be a huge shame if we lost all those great articles!
Hope you enjoy what I share. Feedback always welcome!